
From facials to procedural treatments, increasing the skin’s deep hydration levels improves the skin’s moisture levels which then transform dehydrated, imbalanced, or damaged skin into healthy, supple, beautiful-looking skin.


Eltraderm’s vision as a skin care company is to redefine the concept of beauty as "healthy skin is beautiful skin." Beauty isn’t about perfect skin, it’s about healthy skin.


Healthy skin is an integral part of self-care and well-being beyond social media posts. Caring and maintaining skin health as a daily process has become a renewed realization.


"100% of skin care results depends on 80% of what is done at home and 20% of what is done in the treatment room." - Katherine Asmono


Eltraderm Skin Care products are built on the love of improving and nourishing the skin, with formulations that deliver optimal results whether for everyday use or post-procedure care. #eltradermskin #eltradermcollagen #bestcollagen #collagenskincare #eltraskineffect